Infractiune care face parte din grupul infractiunilor contra aptrimoniului privat sau public, prevazute in t. The articles mention aspects such as the national boundaries of law and the crimes that fall under the incidence of penal law. Article 2151 du code penal les personnes physiques coupables des infractions prevues par le present soustitre encourent egalement les peines suivantes. Codul penal al romaniei a fost emis pentru prima data in anul 1865. The penal code of romania codul penal al romaniei is a document providing the legal basis regarding criminal law in romania. Section 3 application to offences committed on german territory. Codul penal actualizat 2015 legea 2862009 republicata.
Noul cod penal 2019 legea 2862009 actualizata 2019. Loi n 2016007 du 12 juillet 2016 portant code penal. Infractiuni care aduc atingere unor relatii privind. Pdf 1 florin streteanu noul cod penal comentat luiza. Official website of the presidency of the republic of cameroon. Am sesizat prin email catre conducerea apia tgjiu niste realitati din satul meu, arcani, jud. The current code came into force on 1 february 2014, alongside a new penal code. Introducere in studiul dreptului penal partea speciala. Complicities definition of complicities by the free dictionary. Practica judicara pe inselaciune in conventii pe noul cod.